Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

On Arrival Training (OAT) 12.10.2021


The main objective of the on-arrival training (OAT) is to introduce the volunteers to the hosting country, Luxembourg. It helps preparing them for their volunteering activity period and for the European solidarity corps experience.

On-arrival training helps the participants adapt to the new cultural and personal challenges.

It allows the European volunteers who stay in  Luxembourg to get to know each other and to build a network in the country.

Volunteers also receive guidance on conflict prevention and crisis management.

At the same time, the OAT equips the volunteers with communication skills (short introduction to Luxembourgish language), including aspects of intercultural learning.

It helps them become aware that cultural differences require different models of behavior and adapting to a foreign “working” environment. It provides the participants with information on rights and obligations, useful contacts to help with his/her settlement etc.

The OAT is also a good time for the participants to plan the coming months and to develop their own personal goals for their activity period, in line with the non-formal learning philosophy of the European solidarity corps (ESC).

It is important to mention that the participation in an OAT is mandatory for ESC volunteers.

The costs linked to such sessions are covered by Luxembourg’s national agency (Anefore asbl) and by Service national de la jeunesse.


Service national de la jeunesse provides the OAT on behalf of Anefore asbl and in respect of the minimum quality standards detailed by the ESC programme.

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Délai d'inscription : 28.09.2021