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Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

Kaunas municipality V. Kudirka public library’s Parkas department is an institution of culture, education and information, where documents are collected, administered and saved, information is systemized and distributed. Library access is free of charge. Different events happen in the library: lectures, creative workshops, there is a possibility to learn computer literacy.

This project is a long-term commitment (between 6 and 12 months).

Tâches du volontaire :


– Book preservation and storing;
– Book restoration;
– Activities with local youth in the library;
– Assistance with the library events;
– Assistance with English language course;
– Assistance with handicraft course.

Profil recherché

– you like books;
– you are communicative, polite, creative;
– you like activities with children;
– you could teach the basics of a foreign language;
– you have basics of Photoshop;
– you can play piano, it is an advantage.

Actio Catholica Patria

Culture, Travail social et éducatif


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