Domaine : Culture, Travail social et éducatif
Programme : Service volontaire européen
Organisation d’accueil :
Fundacja Instytut Pracy i Kariery
Mission :
Adresse / pays :
Krakow, Poland
durée : à convenir
début :
fin : à convenir
type de mission : Individuelle
Description de la mission :
Areas of activity:
The main area of activity for FIPiK is the Erasmus Krakow project, which hosts students, teachers, and young professionals from abroad in Kraków, providing them with job experience. We handle all aspects of mobility in Poland, including accommodation, meals, local transportation, cultural program organization, and mentoring for students.
Tâches du volontaire :
Office and administrative work:
• Editing, writing articles, carting posts for social media, and publications for the „Career Direction” magazine.
• Supporting promotional activities, including updating our websites and social media.
• Operating office equipment (computers, photocopiers).
• Assisting in organizing the „Career Inspirator” contest for schools, companies, and municipalities promoting educational, business, and institutional practices.
Support for foreign interns:
• Assisting students arriving in Kraków for internships with acclimatization and getting to their internship locations.
• Organizing activities and trainings on topics such as tolerance, human rights, ecology, and social animation.
Support Provided by the Hosting Organisation:
• Training sessions and workshops related to volunteer projects.
• Ongoing mentoring and support with regular feedback.
• Maintaining volunteer journals.
• Providing mentoring support to interns.
Profil recherché :
Language requirements: Proficiency in English (additional languages are an asset).
Interest in social, ecological or educational initiatives.
Votre contact :
Elena Koroglanoglou
+352 621 394 907