Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

European volunteering in Estonia with people with disabilities 15.08.2025-14.07.2026

Domaine : Culture, Travail social et éducatif
Programme : Service volontaire européen

Organisation d’accueil :

Rakvere Home

Rakvere Home

Mission :

Adresse / pays :

durée : 6 - 12 mois
début : août 2025
fin : juillet 2026
type de mission : Individuelle

Description de la mission :

Rakvere Home offers services for people (adults) with intellectual and mental disabilities. Everyday we work for one goal- that people who live with us should have active and positive day no matter of their age, gender or disability. We are also very active in sports like walking, games, dancing, singing, and activities like art and handicraft. We are always standing for disabled people ́s rights to be involved in society and feel safe at home. We support every person to be as independent as they can. We concentrate on everyday activities which people in their homes are carrying out – cleaning, working in the kitchen, outside in the garden, wherein summertime grow herbs, vegetables, and flowers. We are guiding and teaching our clients how to carry on these activities on their own as much as their skills and disabilities are allowing.


Tâches du volontaire :

Volunteers will help out with the daily activities we have for our clients. Volunteers are also welcome to initiate their own workshops.

Profil recherché :

We expect that the volunteer is committed to the project, is independent and active, positive, open minded, flexible and willing to learn. Also active to support our clients in everyday activities – working activities, hobbies and also to be ready to give suggestions to improvement of our service. Some experience in work with people with special needs would be an advantage. Positive way of life – friendliness and sociability are the characteristics that describe a successful volunteer candidate. We also expect the candidate to be reliable, responsible and taking initiative. Previous experience in working with people with disabilities is an asset but not necessary.

Votre contact :

Elena Koroglanoglou
+352 621 394 907