Domaine : Culture, Travail social et éducatif
Programme : Service volontaire européen
Organisation d’accueil :
Evangelisches Diakoniewerk Gallneukirchen
Mission :
Adresse / pays :
Linz, Austria
durée : 6 - 12 mois
début :
fin :
type de mission : Individuelle
Description de la mission :
For the ESK S project, we have 1 department, the Haus für Senioren Linz, where the volunteer will be part of the team.
Tâches du volontaire :
Haus für Senioren Linz is a house for people in the elderly care. There live in 4 flats (Hausgemeinschaften) 48 people.
The volunteer can bring in his culture, abilities, ideas, creativity to present his way of living/culture/background into cooking, singing songs, creating free time activities with the people and so on. Therefore, it is up to the volunteer to define the project. We give the volunteer to settle into the Hausgemeinschaft and later on, the volunteer will be able to bring in his own ideas.
The volunteer will help in assistance and escort by daily routine, assistance and escort by free time activities, assistance by the needs from the people in the elderly care, participation on the social life, assistance household, cooking
Profil recherché :
We encourage the volunteers to bring their own culture, abilities, ideas and creativity into the group.
Votre contact :
Elena Koroglanoglou
+352 621 394 907