Domaine : Culture, Travail social et éducatif
Programme : Service volontaire européen
Organisation d’accueil :
Mission :
Adresse / pays :
Tõrva, Southern Estonia
durée : 6 - 12 mois
début :
à convenir
fin : à convenir
type de mission : Individuelle
Description de la mission :
Tõrva Kodu provides 24-hours supported living for adults with mental and physical disabilities. There are 60 adult men and women aged 23-80 years living in that home. The home works every day for one goal – that people who live there would have active and positive days no matter their age, gender or disability. For that, there are activities like felting, ceramics, sewing. They are also very active in sports like walking, games, dancing, and activities like art and handicraft. They are always standing for disabled people’s right to be involved in society and feel safe at home and support every person to be as independent as they can.
Tâches du volontaire :
- Helping staff in everyday activities
- Companying clients in community events and to other facilities (shop, parks, etc)
- Helping clients in their everyday activities
- Organizing (educative) activities for the clients
The volunteer will be encouraged to propose his/her personal projects/initiatives related to the theme of this ESC project which can be supported by the host and/or coordinating organization.
Profil recherché :
- Mature
- Committed and motivated to work with people with special needs
- Active and prone to take initiative
- Flexible and open-minded
- Warmhearted and helpful
Votre contact :
Elena Koroglanoglou
+352 621 394 907