Beräich(er): Aarbecht am sozialen oder edukative Beräich
Programm: Service volontaire européen
Organisation d’accueil:
Kindergarten der Kulturen
Adress / Land:
Güterhallenstr. 15
79106 Freiburg
Dauer: 6 - 12 Méint
Typ vun der Missioun: Individuell
Beschreiwung vun der Missioun:
The Kindergarten der Kulturen opened in November 2014. The name in English means „kindergarten of cultures“. It is a private institution with two groups for children from the age of 3 years to the age before entering school.
Kindergarten der Kulturen is a place where intercultural education (between cultures) and global learning go together. Our children learn that other cultures, here and all over the world, have different traditions (customs). They can also be aware that they are citizens of the world (have a global awareness) from an early age. Together, these things encourage the children to have an international understanding of the world’s people. They also learn the skills to be peaceful. This is the goal, already before they reach school-age.
Intercultural education is the teaching and learning of intercultural knowledge and skills. This allows people to have a positive opinion of cultural and individual differences.
Aufgaben vum Volontaire:
The volunteer is seen as a companion and partner. He/she gives the children trust and appreciation and gives them the freedom to develop their own abilities and skills and to be creative. In doing so, the child and volunteer discover new topics together. If the child asks a question that occupies him/her and is thematically new,it can be addressed in projects. The volunteer has to research, accompany, give impulses, provide resources and document the tasks.
Gesichte Profil:
Volunteers should be open to working with children.
Our educational focus is on intercultural education, prejudice-conscious education and global learning.
Äre Kontakt:
Elena Koroglanoglou
+352 621 394 907