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Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

The voluntary Project “Educating in Liberty” is developed in Madrid, in a town called Torrelodones, 28 kilometers northwest of the city, where the mountains and vegetation begins.

The project starts in September/October and last always for 12 months.

Tâches du volontaire :

“La Casa del Baobab” is a kindergarten based on Waldorf Pedagogy which watches over children’s education in liberty. Regarding this aim, the teachers work very
closely with the parents, and with other initiatives who undertake similar projects, and prepare the proper environment and activities. The volunteer will have the
Opportunity to participate creatively supporting the teacher (without responsibility regarding the children’s care): he/she will collaborate creating toys, furniture, or
different material for children. She will participate in annual parties that we celebrate, she will support the teacher taking care of our vegetable garden and garden, where she will be able to learn the skills necessary for taking care of them.
The volunteer will also participate in our weekly activities, as painting with crayon and watercolour, modelling with beewax, making bread, participating in the handicrafts that we do depending on the season, teaching songs, ring songs and finger games.
Another aim of the Project is that the voluntary will be able to attend our teaching courses within our program “El Mundo como Escuela” (“The World as a School”), where we offer training to national and immigrant persons, regarding preschool education. (This is a program promoted by the program Youth in Action; Action 1.2.
Youth Initiatives).
The voluntary service will have a duration of 12 months in which the volunteer will have a personal support for his/her different needs.

Profil recherché

We deeply wish to let this Volunteering Projects place open for young people with a strong motivation to be a volunteer.

Asociación Baobab: Apoyo Psicopedagógico y Escuelas de Familia

c/Miralprado 12 Torrelodones , 28250, Madrid, Spain
Culture, Travail social et éducatif


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