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Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

The Don Bosco center counts two main entities: The Escola de Tempo Libre e Animación Sociocultural Don Bosco, focused in training activities in the social field and leisure time, and the Centro Xuvenil Don Bosco, that has a larger spectrum of activities, with the main target to educate through leisure time the children and youngsters of the neighbourhood, the city and the region.The most common activities carried out in the Centro Don Bosco in Santiago for children and youth from the neighbourhood are: play room (Espazo Lúdico), school support (Máis Que Apoio Escolar), library, crafts, leisure time groups for children and youngsters, magosto (chestnut feast), Christmas activities, carnival, Youth centre’s feasts, neighbourhood’s feast, urban summer camp (Bosco Verán) for children, information office and youth counselling.

The main objective of the project is to raise awareness of young people on the importance of developing active European citizenship, respectful, open to the world and based on the common values of the European Union.

Volunteers will be sharing a flat.

Tâches du volontaire :

  • Preparation, animation and evaluation of the socio educational project in the play-room (Espacio Lúdico) for children from 4 to 14 years: games, handcrafts, workshops, outdoor activities, sports, trips to the town.
  • Preparation, animation and evaluation for the school support programme (Apoio Escolar) for children from 5 to 18 years old: help with homework, help on foreign languages, motivate them to study.
  • Animation of the youth library.
  • Animation of several workshops in a wide array of subjects including music, sport or arts etc
  • Taking part in the training of football or basketball teams for children, teenagers and youth from 5 to 30 years.
  • Preparation of educational projects and awareness campaigns for several subjects to schools.
  • Animation of Christmas, Carnival and Easter activities for children from 4 to 14 years.
  • Animation of summer camps.
  • Helping the counselors of the youth information point.
  • Organisation of activities for the promotion of the ESC and of the Erasmus+
  • Organisation of a personal project related to the activities of the Centre Don Bosco.

Gesichten Profil

We are looking for motivated young volunteers with interest in cultural activities and leisure time with children and teenagers. We are looking for youngsters with communication and social skills, creative, ready to bring their ideas and values in the project.

Here is the application form to apply for the project:

This project is a long-term commitment (between 6 and 12 months).

Sozial- a Bildungsaarbecht


Lia Kechagia 26293219

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