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Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

United Societies of Balkans (U.S.B.) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Thessaloniki, Greece, working in the field of youth mobility, participation and promoting youth awareness of social issues. It was founded in 2008 by the initiative of a group of active young people who wanted to address the social issues which affect the youngsters in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

Tâches du volontaire :

EduACT is a non-profit, beneficent organization founded in Thessaloniki in 2013 having as a target the introduction of innovation and entrepreneurship in the educational process. Our vision is to redefine the education which is provided today, emphasizing in equal participation of all social groups in programs that form people with leading skills and social awareness.

EduACT organizes workshops for kids to participate actively and design a robotics program based on their own needs. By doing so, we are giving another approach to the educational process and an opportunity for the kids to use their knowledge practically. The workshops run by young trainers, familiar with technology, with the ability to approach knowledge through informal education.

Moreover, we use hands-on activities in which, educators, kids and parents, create together and unfurl their imagination. One of the main priorities of EduACT is to provide equal opportunities for learning to any individual. We give the chance to refugees, children from minorities and children with disruptive behaviour, young inmates and young people who are facing social exclusion to participate in innovative educational programs.

We truly believe that for volunteers the ESC is an opportunity to learn, to improve themselves and to discover and develop their personality and competences. For this reason, we encourage our volunteers to develop a personal project. With the support of their Mentor, the volunteers will develop a concrete personal plan with the objective of creating a personal project based on their own interests and goals.

The participants will participate in the daily activities of Eduact, volunteering six hours daily from Monday to Friday, at the organisation’s offices but also participating in activities in the schools and other places in the city. In particular, the activities undertaken by the participants involved with EduACT will be:

– Support and preparation of training workshops for children that are carried out every week at the office of the organisation or at their summer camps
– Creation of graphic design works for the activities of the organisation
– Cooperation in the implementation of robotics’ competitions
– Cooperate in the managing and updating of the content of the website of the organisation
– Cooperating in managing the social networks
– Take photos and videos during the activity of the organisation and their personal projects
– Promote the European Solidarity Corps during all these activities

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The project is open to any youngster between 18-30 years who is motivated to live a new experience, be flexible, outgoing and is willing to spend 8 months in Greece.

The ideal volunteer is willing to engage and be active in society, with an interest in education and new technologies.

The most important factor for the selection of the participants is their high motivation to join the activities planned in the project and their interest in the topic.

A good English knowledge will be a helpful element for the volunteers themselves, as it will make communication easier and give them more security and self-confidence during the implementation of the activities.
Moreover, in case of restrictions due to the pandemic, volunteers without good language skills would have problems in supporting the online activities.

Knowledge regarding graphic design, photography, video making or programming will be considered as a plus.

Last, we need volunteers to be able to live in a community with many people, take care of themselves and participate in the cleaning.

Kultur, Sozial- a Bildungsaarbecht


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