ARCHELON, the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece has been to protect the sea turtles and their habitats in Greece through monitoring and research, developing and implementing management plans, habitat restoration, raising public awareness and rehabilitating sick and injured turtles.
The project objectives are (1) To provide young people with the opportunity to work directly for the conservation of a protected marine species, (2) to promote the importance of protecting the marine and coastal environment, making it possible for volunteers working with ARCHELON to learn about the issue (3) to acquire knowledge that can make young people adopt a friendlier attitude towards the environment, which is something that they can use no matter where they are in the world.
Volunteers will be sharing a flat.
Tâches du volontaire :
RESCUE NETWORK: activities include response to live sea turtle stranding’s throughout Greece, collection of injured sea turtles from the airport, train or bus station, or Piraeus port. Understandably these activities are not part of the daily routine, but take priority whenever they do occur. For this purpose it would be useful if the volunteers have a driving license and use the car of ARCHELON for picking up injured sea turtles and transport them to the Rescue Center or for any other activities for rehabilitating purposes.
– SEA TURTLE REHABILITATION duties include the preparation and administration of food (usually fish) to the turtles, daily treatment of the animals as determined by the vets (administering medication, cleaning wounds) as well as taking biometric data and making behaviour observations. This is one of the main daily activities within the Rescue Centre, since at any given time there is an average of 25 turtles under treatment. This number varies according to the season and it is very difficult to be predicted.
- PUBLIC AWARENESS: activities include the running of the Rescue Centre’s exhibition area and providing information to visitors, conducting presentations to organized groups and assisting in public events organised by ARCHELON to promote the Rescue Centre.
- MAINTENANCE AND DAY-TO-DAY DUTIES: activities include basic maintenance duties like painting of the wagons, operation of the water supply systems as well as cleaning the facilities and equipment.
- DATA ENTRY: All data collected is entered in databases
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Archelon would like to host enthusiastic volunteers showing an active interest towards the protection of the environment. They must be able and willing to carry out physical (like turtle lifting) and demanding work outdoors. Adaptability to living in a multicultural environment is also highly appreciated. The volunteers should also be in a position to work independently with minimum supervision once their training period is completed. After a suitable period, which usually lasts a month, the volunteers will be in a position to train and supervise other people and further they will be in a position to “specialize” in aspects of the work depending on their particular talents and preferences.
Experience in animal handling and skills like driving are useful, but are in no way a prerequisite for final selection. No previous or relevant knowledge is required, since training is provided for everything on site. As soon as a suitable candidate is selected, further detailed information is provided on the project, its difficulties and particularities.
Lia Kechagia 26293219