Beräich(er): Aarbecht am sozialen oder edukative Beräich, Déiereschutz
Programm: Service volontaire européen
Organisation d’accueil:
Asociación Benéfica por el Rescate e Inserción de Gatos en Adopción
Adress / Land:
Madrid, Spain
Dauer: Individuell ofklären
Individuell ofklären
Individuell ofklären
Schluss: à convenir
Typ vun der Missioun: Individuell
Beschreiwung vun der Missioun:
We have a colony of about 30 cats living in our space that needs care every day. They are given in adoption, so is a constant leaving and entering of new cats. We want that volunteer helps us to take care of the: cleaning, feeding, accommodating, and at the same time learns about cats, how they communicate to people, to give them love and care, and help to socialize to humans, being more adoptable for families.
In addition, the youngster would have the chance to learn other tasks that our organization does, some for our public, like visual merch, store management, web and social networking, such as internal, like organization maintenance, find economic resources, providers meeting, adoption process and interviews and so.
Aufgaben vum Volontaire:
Help the association with the following tasks concerning the cats: receiving them, accommodation, socialite, move from one step to the next. Help with the daily and weekly cleaning, according to health necessities. Help with food, treatments and all their needs.
In addition, help with other tasks that our organization has, always according to the time and abilities of the volunteer.
Gesichte Profil:
The organisation would like to host enthusiastic volunteers which are cat lovers.
Äre Kontakt:
Elena Koroglanoglou
+352 621 394 907