Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

Learning the past to prepare the future!

Beräich(er): Aarbecht am sozialen oder edukative Beräich, Kultur
Programm: Service volontaire européen

Organisation d’accueil:

Academica de Madeira

Academica de Madeira


Adress / Land:
Campus Universitário da Penteada, piso -1
Funchal 9020-105

Dauer: 6 - 12 Méint
Ufank: Individuell ofklären Individuell ofklären
Schluss: Oktober
Typ vun der Missioun: Individuell

Beschreiwung vun der Missioun:

The Students' Union of the University of Madeira (AAUMa) is a representative structure for students at the University of Madeira.

The University of Madeira Students’ Union (AAUMa) has an agreement with the Social Services of the University of Madeira, so volunteers will be accommodated in University Residence located in the centre of Funchal. The Residence was inaugurated in January 27, 2009 and presents an architecture which combines a welcoming atmosphere and modern equipment’s. The rooms must be shared with other roommates of the same sex (2 or 3 people in one room). The Residence is a few minutes by walk from their working place. Volunteers will be responsible for the maintenance of the house, and they will have monthly check.) If the residence is unavailable alternative accommodation will be provided.

The project in which volunteers will be encouraged to participate and support is called Madeiran Heritage, which embraces several cultural projects that have an impact on society. The main activity that volunteers are encouraged to participate and support will be developing guided tours through the existing attractions: History Tellers, City Hall of Funchal, Jesuits College, Regional Assembly, and Santa Clara Monastery.

This project congregates also other activities such as fado concerts, exhibitions or educational visits to schools, carried out by a team from several countries, including volunteers from the Erasmus+ program.

 Please have a look on our website:


Volunteers will be able to either order lunch through the host organization or receive the equivalent amount of money. The HO will also transfer a monthly amount of money to cover the dinner and breakfast of the volunteers.

If needed, an amount that enables the volunteer to use local transport will also provide.

Aufgaben vum Volontaire:

As for the objectives: to study and promote the Art, History and Culture of Madeira; complement, for free, the formal education of young people; provide skills that increase the civic and professional training of volunteers; raise revenue that funds social support programs.

Gesichte Profil:

The participant will be selected according to the following qualities and interests:

Interest in working with different age groups and is open to different cultures; motivation to take part in new projects and to acquire new knowledge and learn foreign languages; good oral and written communication skills; a creative mind and is able to initiate, develop and implement own activity ideas.

This project will be a great opportunity for them to get to know a different culture, as well as to learn new skills and competences that will enable them to succeed in their professional future.

Äre Kontakt:

Elena Koroglanoglou
+352 621 394 907